All Access Membership plans include access to our entire catalog of videos. Content-specific plans include selected videos in the catalog. Check out the options available on our Join page.
How do I find the videos/series I purchased without a subscription?
Your purchased videos/series will appear under My Library on the main Catalog page.
How do I reset my password?
Click on forgot password and enter your email. You'll receive an automatic email with a link to reset it.
Note: The forgot password link can also be found at the bottom of the Log In page.
How do I update my billing information?
How do I change my membership plan?
I'm experiencing technical issues, what can I do?
Most of the time, computers work best when they get breaks once in a while. Try turning off your computer for a few minutes. After restarting, Log In again to YogaVista.TV.
If you're still experiencing issues after that, contact our tech support team at Please include as much detail as possible about the problem, so we can get our support team to find a solution.
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