Nicole Dunne

Fantastic Sherri, what a great sequence!  where did you find that piece of music? I can only find the one minute version, how do you get it to loop

Wow, that was a gorgeous sequence!  thank you Sara


10 Dec 05:33

Greetings Sherry,

I am reaching out because I need some support… I am just loving teaching to my fantastic seniors, however I am a senior myself( 67) it seems I am in a bit of trouble  Practicing my choreography for my weekly class has taken its toll on my shoulders.  I am suffering severe shoulder pain, and  I am sure it’s from repetitive movements I will see an orthopedic this week, my question is have you experienced this? Can you offer any suggestions or advice? I’m so fearful that my ability to teach will be affected..I love teaching and my students need my skills and support…..HELP

Thank you , 

Nicole D